Resolution to Promote Biological Sex Recognition and Eliminate DEI Initiatives
Resolution of the [School District Name] School Board to Promote Biological Sex Recognition and Eliminate DEI Initiatives
WHEREAS, the President of the United States issued an executive order recognizing the biological reality of sex and the importance of maintaining distinctions based on sex in various settings;
WHEREAS, the School Board of [School District Name] acknowledges the critical need to align educational policies with scientific truth and biological facts to ensure the well-being, dignity, and safety of all students;
WHEREAS, the board believes in fostering an educational environment that respects the immutable biological sex of individuals and supports policies that protect sex-based rights and opportunities;
Section 1. Purpose.
- The purpose of this resolution is to promote policies within the [School District Name] that recognize and respect the biological distinction between male and female, ensuring that all school activities, programs, and facilities are administered based on biological sex.
Section 2. Policy and Definitions.
- Sex shall refer to an individual’s immutable biological classification as male or female, not synonymous with or inclusive of “gender identity.”
- Female and Male are defined by their biological characteristics at conception as per the executive order’s definitions.
- Terms like “women”, “girls”, “men”, and “boys” will be used to denote biological sex only.
Section 3. Recognition of Biological Sex.
- All school policies, forms, communications, and educational materials will use the terms “sex”, “male”, and “female” in accordance with biological reality, ceasing the use of “gender” in such contexts.
- School facilities, including restrooms, locker rooms, and sports teams, will be designated based on biological sex.
Section 4. Elimination of DEI Initiatives.
- The School District will immediately cease all Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs that promote or incorporate gender ideology as defined by the executive order.
- All instructional materials, lessons, and school activities promoting or discussing gender identity separate from biological sex will be reviewed and removed if they conflict with this resolution.
Section 5. Compliance and Implementation.
- The Superintendent will oversee the implementation of this resolution, ensuring that all school policies, personnel, and educational practices align with these directives.
- A report on compliance will be presented to the Board within 90 days of this resolution’s passage, with updates every six months thereafter.
Section 6. Legal Considerations.
- The School District will work with legal counsel to ensure compliance with state and federal laws, interpreting such laws in light of this resolution where applicable.
Section 7. Effective Date.
- This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Education of the [School District Name] this [Day] day of [Month], [Year].
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President, School Board Date
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Superintendent Date